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Early Years at Lightcliffe

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Early Years at Lightcliffe

Published: September 24, 2020

Region: Yorkshire and the Humber

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Calderdale pre-school purchases church centre following £280,000 funding from Unity Trust Bank.

A not-for-profit pre-school in Calderdale has purchased the property it had been renting for 23 years thanks to a six-figure funding package from Unity Trust Bank.

Early Years @ Lightcliffe, which has been serving the community since 1994, bought Christ Church Centre in Lightcliffe, Halifax, after church landlords put it up for sale.

The charity successfully bid £400,000 for the detached building using its own reserves and a mortgage of £280,000 from the commercial bank with a social conscience.

Mike Wicks, Relationship Manager at Unity Trust Bank, said: “We help to create a better society by working with a range of organisations and charities that share our values.

“This loan to buy Christ Church Centre will help secure the long-term future of the organisation and safeguard jobs.

“Early Years @ Lightcliffe has highly experienced staff and a proven track record and we are delighted to support this purchase.”

Early Years @ Lightcliffe, which has an Oftsed rating of ‘Good’, employs 10 staff.

Registered with Calderdale Local Authority, it provides pre-school education for two to five-year-olds and after-school provision for pupils at Lightcliffe C of E Primary School.

It also operates a holiday club for children aged two to 11, meaning that it can remain open for childcare provision for 48 weeks a year.

Sam Pearson, pre-school manager at Early Years @ Lightcliffe, said: “We have 24 places for pre-school children and 75-plus families on roll across both pre-school and after-school provision.

“We provide a warm and welcoming environment where children can play, learn and develop to their full potential.

“We were well-established at Christ Church Centre so were delighted to be able to buy the property thanks to the support of Unity Trust Bank.”

Christ Church Centre has several meeting rooms, a kitchen and a main hall and stage. Early Years @ Lightcliffe hopes to generate additional income from other community groups that use the facilities.